Does a C-section over a normal delivery - really matter?

Saturday, November 15, 2014

This morning I received an image on my Whats-app messenger.

I couldn't believe what I saw & read.

The image was a newspaper clip, depicting a father kissing the feet of his son who was battling for his life.

When I read further, I could comprehend that the mother was already dead and the doctors had done a c-section in an attempt to keep the baby alive. However, the Baby too, was battling for its life.

This news is still haunting me.

 .. They would have had dreams. A dream of rearing a family three-gether. Dream of celebrating the birth & Birthdays. Dream of seeing the lil one growing in front of their eyes, seeing him walk, cry, feeding him, caressing him with love and affection and so on and so forth...

.. This dream was shattered @ a blink, as the dark wings of Death, spill on the family.

.. This narrative on my messenger is haunting me and I want this off my mind and hence decided to mention on my blog..

" A lady goes through life and death While giving birth to the newborn". 

This being the fact - "Does a C-section over a normal delivery, really matter?" 

Unable to understand, why people still force for a normal delivery, when at times, it becomes life threatening for the kid and the mother? 

Are we being progressive here  or is it just the Fake Ego?

Or, are we Ok, to lose the MOTHER for want of a normal delivery?

Finally, does a normal delivery make a woman feel complete? Unsure about the situations outside India.

Disclaimer:    The Picture depicted and the content in the blog post here may not be interlinked