The Scary story: Concluding part.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October 28th 2014 :

!! Ishaan Chronicles !! Scary Story Continued ..
Ishaan's dad was frozen as he was extremely scared and in horrific shock!

" Who is lying in his lap?" His hands had gone numb,throat dry and his neck had become stiff.

Even in that gruesome darkness, one could make out that Sr. Pai had become completely pale.
He somehow gathered courage and forced himself to look who was lying in his lap. As he lowered his head; he heard another stroke of sound which nearly blew off his ear drum.

That was the horrendous sound of (Garbham Kalakki) Deepavali Bomb ( alias: abortion Cracker bomb) being bursted by the neighborhood kids.

Hearing the noise, Ishaans Dad was thrown out of his sleep and he was forced to split open his eyes.

Was that a dream? How could it be a dream? He looked around with relief and in disbelief, to find His lil Puchkipoo lying in the cradle in a playful mood.

Sr.Pai realized with embarassment that it was merely a dream.

The hangover of the previous night SPiNe chilling horror flick which he had watched. The movie had left lingering thoughts in his sub-conscious mind.
He heaved a sigh of relief and had a hearty laugh at his plight.

However, he decided that he wouldn't share this with anyone in the household as it was so child like situation. As all these thoughts were gushing in his mind; Sr.Pai realized that Ishaan, who was in the playful mood was actually smiling, talking with gestures as if somebody was standing in the corner of the room.

But there were only two of them? Who was Ishaan talking to???
Some incidents are better unanswered; muttered Sr.Pai; staring at the Corner of the room.
— feeling confused.


the little princess said...

Applause Aj!!!well told...u managed to hold the suspense!

Unknown said...

I was eagerly waiting for the second part ��

Ajay Pai said...

Thanks Sneha DA !!

Ajay Pai said...

Thanks Tara !!