!! Our Bundle of Joy !!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

! Ishaan Chronicles !      October 19 at 6:19am 2014.

As a child, I yearned for a sibling. But unfortunately, my parents held a different perspective on this and I was always alone.

During those years, very often I dreamt of a small child, with whom I horsed around. I caught myself, pampering the Lil one and babysitting him as an elder Brother does.

The kid, I could see, waited at the threshold of the entrance to my house, as if, he waited for somebody to bring him in. (I am so far to calculate out the significance of this specific dream).

My dad, being the most youthful of all his 11 siblings, all my cousins had to be at least a minimum of 10 to 12 years older to me.

As a matter of fact, I had never got a chance to be with a newborn and thus, being able to go through those exciting and enticing emotions.

            Ishaan, Our Bundle of Joy, arrived after 5 years of our spousal relationship.  He was born in Chennai, and October 19th, 2014 was the day he arrived in Bangalore.

Ishaan chronicles are a narrative which will take us through the first day of Ishaan's arrival to Bangalore and many exciting days to come!!

The incident:

            I rushed to the 6th platform @ Yeshwantpur railway station, to meet little Ishaan and my better half.

I had to pick them up from the railway station, where they were waiting for me along with my in-laws. As I reached nearby, numerous emotions gushed within me. I was excited to discover, How Ishaan would react seeing me!

Will he recognize me as his father? 

This was the single question which buzzed in my head, as I approached them with all the excitement masked in my smile.

Copyright @ Ajay Pai
Image Courtesy :: AJ's personal archive.