This Morning, I heard a soothing music.
Raree Raa ri rom Raaa roo^ ¶
Kannum pooti ende, kannan urangu ..¶¶
I couldn't stop but peep in. It was my wife singing lullaby to Ishaan. Ishaan was cosily lying in her lap, gazing at his mom and smiling.
That was a magical moment.
Both Mom & Son had a smile on their face. I wonder, what would have made him smile @ her? Was that a return smile on my wife's face?
I am Sure, that's the Mother - Son Bonding coming out !!
The bonding of 9 months. The bonding of having lived as one soul and one body for nine months.
— feeling amazing.
PS: Image courtesy Google.
These are amazing moments...ones that we wil cherish all our lives!!
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