Scarred by the Umbilical Cord

Monday, December 15, 2014

I am born
I recognize "her''
She's - my "Mumma"

Her face hidden by her palms
The palms, my to-be cradle

I am her shame, not glory

I am denounced
I am graced by rag-pickers

I cry for being fed
I weep to be caressed
I wail for security

I shed tears, as I am being abused
I howl in pain, when beaten
I break down,
When I see look-alike of "her"

I mourn my birth
I, the outcome of Lust!
Love & Lust - each with 4 alphabets
Love is Owned
Lust swept under rug

Oh, Ma! I am 'You'
Yet,  Scarred by the Umbilical cord!

© 2014 Ajay Pai (Reserved)