!! Lord Vishnu & Jesus with Inter Departmental Connections !!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Aalekh, now turns sevenTeen.

Just like any other teenager Aalekh too had a dream. Dream, to be in an academic institution of repute. He fancied being in those situations which resembled the ones showcased in Bollywood movie sequences. 

He dreamt to be free; to be unquestioned & popular. With all these not-so-real scenarios, Aalekh awaited his 10+2 results. 

Talking about the results and scores, some sort of uneasiness started cropping up in his deep conscience.
However, he chose to ignore those feelings.  And one fine morning the secret was Out. The RESULTS published.

Aah ! Aalekh looks disturbed with a sad long face.

Our little Hero has fallen short of 2% for 70% scores; (the bare minimum which is required for even applying to a reputed academic institution).
Reading his scores, Aalekh felt that the dream, which he fancied, has now become unattainable and unreal.
"Now What? How do I show my pomp?" He thought.

He wouldn't have even imagined, in his scariest of the dreams for an admission in a low profiled academic institution.

..and it's at these low moments in one's life, the grey-haired family members come to the rescue.

Aalekh was a frequenter at his granny's every evening and he opened his heart in front of his granny.

"Aalekh, you should have studied harder!" She said firmly and continued ..

"There is no short cut to success. Now all, that you can do, is submit your application in all the reputed colleges and Pray to the Almighty wholeheartedly for an inclusion".

Aalekh nodded his head as if he was the most obedient boy in the entire world and in a feeble voice he assured "Yea Granny I would study harder from this academic year on". "But, would my prayers be answered?" He looked at the Granny's face as if to get an affirmation.

"Dear Grandson" !! exclaimed the ever-loving Granny," IF you wish something from your heart wholeheartedly, the whole of the universe would conspire to make your wish come true" "You keep Praying" Granny consoled him slowly caressing his shoulders.

Consoling words of his beloved granny kept echoing in his ears and he blindly followed what she instructed.

He prayed, prayed and prayed!!!

As Alekh visited each institution for submitting the application he did a sneak peak on the scores and percentile of the gathered crowd (student candidates) there and realized that he was the only one who had scored so low marks.

His teenage heart sank !! His hopes were running down the drains. He thought to himself "Will I ever be able to secure admission in any of the reputed academic institution".

Days and weeks flew off and Aalekh did not receive any interview calls from any of the institutions.

Aalekh was gradually moving to a depressed state.

Now, he stopped mingling with his friends to keep himself tied @ home.

While this continued, Aalekh's aunt visited him one day and heard Aalekh. She said, "Come Sonny! Let's go and meet one of my friend who is a lecturer at St.Albert's College. Let's see if he could help you out in this scenario".

Aalekh,was very unsure whether he wanted to accompany his aunt to the lecturers residence for the admission. However, he decided to meet Mr.Lecturer friend.

The lecturer friend informed "See, being a Christian college the preference is given to Christian students, not to Hindus.The HOD (Head of the Department) for the commerce department himself is a FATHER who also takes sessions and he does not recommend any of the non-Christian students".

However, the lecturer friend wrote a 2 incher note and passed it on to Aalekh informing him that "as you have not received any interview call card from the institution, this chit would assist you to reach the interviewer so that you can try your luck. The rest would depend on your scores and rankings. I cannot push you further, into getting an admission in the institution" He signed off.

Aalekh's heart shattered. The ray of hope not even visible on the horizon.

However, Aalekh continued Praying.

Thus arrived the interview day. As instructed by the lecturer friend, Aalekh, showed the chit along with the score cards to the interviewer. After a few minutes, Aalekh was told, of his selection and was given the joining date to his dream college.

Aalekh was on cloud nine.

Pompously he informed his aunt and his mom that he was selected because of his scores and not due to a recommendation.

First day in the college :

Aalekh is seated in the first row.

Fr. Cornelius. the HOD arrives with Pomp & Grandeur. A short, stout man in his early 50's, with neatly ironed clothes and a BALD head. Looks like a Hitler sorts..!!

The HOD enters the classroom and in a roaring voice, he quizzes "Who is Aalekh?"

Hearing this, Aalekh was dumbstruck. Shivering, he stood up and in a feeble voice said "Father, it's me. Did I do anything wrong? ".

"Yes Aalekh" father reverted in his roaring voice, however with a smile and continued “I trust you are a strong believer in God Almighty which made you his beloved Child. That's the only reason you could secure an admission here in this institution."

Aalekh was still confused not knowing what was happening.

!! It's the result of a MIRACLE that you are admitted here!!

Father Continued... “On the day of the interview, I had ringed up the interviewer to instruct him to admit the boy who would approach him with a chit".

Now here's where you have been blessed by the Lord.

After a few minutes of my discussion with the interviewer, as destined, you approach him with the chit. The interviewer falls PREY to mistaken identity, and you were admitted.

The candidate, who I recommended, couldn't attend the interview on time as his vehicle punctured.

This incident is nothing less than a Miracle.

Hearing the incident, Aalekh had goose bumps. All, he could see, was an angelic aura around Fr. Cornelius.

Aalekh, could hear loud applause from his classmates, for, they were praising him for being God's beloved Child.

Thus on the very first day, Aalekh became a Superhero amongst his colleagues.

Aalekh - Is a Hindu Brahmin doing his Masters in a Christian college.


Also,read They stuffed cotton into my nostril - About my Death.
