Dignity Doesn't lie in Vagina

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Who has to be blamed? Is it the rape survivor? Or, should the misogynistic mentality of the society to be changed?

The heinous eyes gaze her
Stalk her every nook and corner

They stare, peep, and gape
Glare, gloat, and Ogle

The lecherous eyes
Stalk her every nook and corner

They wait for the time
Time she’d be alone

The lewdness in the eyes
Stalk her every nook and corner

They embezzle her soul
Leave her with the scars

Against all odds
She stands tall
With her head high, chin up
Says, dignity doesn’t lie in Vagina.

 © 2015 Ajay Pai (Reserved for the poem)
Image courtesy :Pixabay